Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Do you like school? Yes, no or in between? Sometimes I wish I were home schooled. Then when I take the time to think about it, it didn't seem that great anymore. Home schooling is great when you aren't home most if the time. But if I were to be home school especially in high school it would seem so boring. For me school is a time to socialize with my friends and to get an education that will get me some where. Still, it confuses me why the kids that skip and don't even do anything stay in school. Sure they say they want to be this and that. But it sure the hell don't look like it. They might as well just drop out. They only show up to class and leave to make their parents happy. Pretty sad. And to think that there are people that can't go to school because it costs too much money. Yet these kids are just skipping and slacking off when that educations could go to a good cause for someone who can't afford to go to school.

Monday, September 21, 2009


I wanted to start a blog to blog about something. The thing is, I just don't know what I want to blog about. I had thoughts about some hobbies but thought that there are too many others blogging about the same thing. I'm also awful at sometimes updating. So, whom you may be, give me some suggestions on what you would like to hear about.